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  • info@medsolgroups.com
  • India, Dubai, Saudi


The rise and adoption of the social media as a way of communication to develop and maintain social relationships has ushered during a new paradigm with numerous possibilities within the form of government. This application of core marketing concepts is applicable for winning elections and for nation building, whereby the communication and relationship between the political parties and therefore the other stakeholders allows for dialogue, feedback and participation within the form of government. We understand the importance of the social media within the political environment and invest increased time, effort and money in marketing efforts during the election period. within the present era of electronic revolution when the social media has become the means and end of all communication, democracies are wondering if social media are often a legitimate indicator to predict elections outcome. We don’t limit ourselves to the normal marketing but has also marked our presence on digital media. Social media may be a sort of digital media which provides an area for us to make a political marketplace where candidates and political parties can use social media to drive popular opinion within the desired direction. Social Media has today become a really powerful tool for expressing opinions, views, and concepts and has become an influential tool of opinion creation. The voters were very easy to attach so most of the political parties jumped in to hitch social networking platform to influence this segment of voters. Twitter became the medium of choice for people to interact in and consume political content. We also provide user engagement with content, news breaks, and influence on political discourse or capacity to line media happened on Tweeter. Tweets and comments represent the modern-day public forum. Social media’s ability to interrupt news in real-time has transformed the way we absorb information. From deciding your content strategy to handling trolls, we’ve got you covered. We engage the general public via live video. Serving as a kind of other to traditional newscasts, social media video empowers politicians to interrupt their own news and have conversations with constituents in real-time. We fact-check the client’s statement before publishing. We take a proactive approach against misinformation. This also includes making statements or comments that you simply might got to walk back because you didn’t take the time to fact-check them. We make some extent to post daily. With numerous political campaign strategies made possible by social media, we offer you tons of content to juggle. Donation requests, Upcoming events and elections, Legislation updates, etc. which doesn’t even include real-time news that happens from day-to-day.


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